Thursday, 01 February 2018 12:40

Director's blog

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Director's blog


Khismatullina Alfiya Anvarovna

Principal of the College

Our college is a space of prosperity, success and safety, where  work and relaxation, holidays and weekdays, and mainly good traditions are. There are functioning clubs,subject and sport sections, school of leadership and school of entrepreneurship and business in our college. We create conditions for the development of students' skills and talents.
We are trying to save individuality in our students, bring them up educated, confident in themselves, with the sense of self-esteem and respect to other people. We are proud of our college and open to society. In the site you can know about the life in our college and rejoice at our success and achievements. 

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Текущие проблемы реализации предпринимательской инициативы(Круглый стол, Акимат Ауэзовского райна г.Алматы, 12.09.2018)

Социальная адаптация молодых людей с ограниченными возможностями и студентов колледжа МАБ (Международная научно-практическая конференция "Инклюзивное образование: теория, практика, опыт", 2018 год, г.Астана)

Предпринимательство - как вектор стратегического развития ТиПО (Международная научно-практическая конференция, 2017год, ALMAU, г.Алматы)

Из опыта работы педколлектива колледжа МАБ по реализации научно-исследователького проэта "Я предприниматель" (Региональная научно-практическая конференция "Использование инновационных технологий в учебном процессе в условиях модернизации образования", 2017 год, г.Алматы)

Эссе – инновационный инструмент проверки уровня полученных знаний (Республиканский научно методический журнал "Современное образование", №4)

Внедрение дуального обучения в организациях технического и профессионального образования РК: проблемы и перспективы развития (X Республиканская учебно-методическая конференция "Непрерывное экономическое образование: модернизация обучения и методического обеспечения, 2016 год, г.Алматы)

  • Are there any educational grants in the college?

    There aren’t any educational grants at IAB college, but there are discounts for studying
  • Hello, currently I’m in the 10th class and I would like to enter the college after 10th class. Can enter to the 2nd course?

    Hello Anelya. After 10th class you can enter the college on the base of 9th class (only to the 1st course)
  • Hello, how much does the studying in your college cost?

    Hello. Price of education in our college depends on the form of studying, on the language which is used to conduct the studying process. Full information about price you can see in the site, clicking the item Entering- Rules of admission
  • What specialities in the college are the most demanded?

    Choosing the profession you shouldn't consider opinion of the majority. ВYour profession is your choice and you should make it according to your wishes, abilities and skills. In general, distinguishing students by their professions is approximately similar.
  • I'm studying in the 1st course. Can I change my speciality?

    By the end of the 1st course you can change your mind and change your speciality.
  • Is it right that preparational courses increase the chances to enter the college?

    That's right. АStudents who have finished preparational courses do the exams much more successfull (testing).
  • Is the special preparation to the college required?

    Special preparation to enter the college is not required. Testing on subjects is based on the subjects of school programe.
  • Is it difficult to find a job on your speciality after graduating college?

    Today graduates of college according to our datas are studying at different high schools (70%) and they have been employed on their specialities (30%). Our professions are included into  the most required among employers.
  • I'm studying at another college, but I would like to study at yours, is it possible?

    Yes, it's quite possible. Full information you can get calling to (727)337 84 78
  • Your college is private, does it influence to the quality of the diploma?

    No, it doesn't, after graduating our college you get diplomal of governmental format.
  • Is it interesting to study in your college?

    In our college is actively conducted bringing up work. Our students are participating and winning in international olimpiads and scientific competitions, there are different schools in our college (school of leadership and entrepreneuring), clubs, are conducted creative meeting with outstanding personalities of our country.
Read 962 times Last modified on Monday, 11 February 2019 15:34
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