Student council

Багаев Динмухамед
Chairman of the Student Government Parliament

Жапаркулов Ален
Sports department

Курманбаева Медина
Head of the volunteer club

Мараткызы Алтынай
Responsible for working with elders

Акильбекова Карина
Student Council Assistant

Зыкина Екатерина
Responsible for working with elders

Аленова Саида
Responsible for events

Балабаев Ерасыл
Department of Education

Иванчишина София
Head of the volunteer club

Жанысбекова Адема
Responsible for events

Уфимцева Елизавета
Chairman of the Council of Elders

Есенова Аяна
SMM specialist

Регизян Злата
Responsible for the work of clubsт

Ли Элина
SMM specialist