Tuesday, 28 February 2023 18:19


On February 23, 2023, panoramic open lessons in special disciplines were held at the college, where teachers demonstrated their advanced pedagogical experience.

At the lesson "Marketing", the teacher Myrzabekova R.N. introduced students to the consumer culture that affects the behavior of buyers, the culture of behavior of Kazakhstani buyers, introduced the basics of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on consumer protection. The teacher demonstrated the use of problem-based learning with advanced tasks in teaching

At the lesson of professional English, the teacher Kangozhaeva R.B. showed all the stages of the formation of grammatical skills when studying the topic "Job seeking", taught students to make a resume in English and pass an interview. At the end of the lesson, the students compiled their resume in English.

At the Programming lesson, the teacher Yelchibaeva R.B. introduced students to the semantics of declaring the type of structures and variables, and demonstrated to her colleagues the use of such active pedagogical technologies as problem-based learning and game technologies. At the end of the lesson, the students wrote part of the program code.

An open lesson on Civil Law by the teacher Zhevlakova Yu.A. was held using a partially searchable method of teaching, problem-based learning with advanced tasks. The students showed good knowledge in the field of law, the ability to work in a team, defend their point of view based on the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Educational ladder holding "ALMA"


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