Tuesday, 30 January 2018 16:26


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 Strategy of college

To create new generation of leaders and entrepreneurs of the RK Mission of the college
College of the International Academy of Business - innovative entrepreneurial educational institution of technical and vocational education Vision of the college
Is the formation of a socially successful personality, a competitive specialist The goal set in the mission
Is to prepare professionally mobile, ready for constant self-education and self-development personality in conditions of the market dynamics. Focus on the result of education - the training of a specialist with a qualitative knowledge of the technique of solving professional problems  The goal of the educational policy of the college
The creation and implementation of innovative conditions for the educational process, the introduction of credit, modular learning technologies  Means of achieving this goal
  • Management, quality and informatization system;
  • Improving the educational process and methodological support;
  • Methodological work, training and library resources;
  • Educational work;
  • Development of administrative and economic activities  Priority strategic directions of the development of the college


Read 55405 times Last modified on Saturday, 05 January 2019 11:25
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