Monday, 20 February 2023 09:18


On February 16, 2023, There were panoramic open lessons of general education disciplines at college, where teachers demonstrated their advanced teaching experience.

At the lesson of the history of Kazakhstan, the teacher Kalinina D.V. introduced students with works of Kazakh culture and music. The teacher demonstrated the use of partially search and problem- teaching methods.

At the English lesson, the teacher Khadzhiev A.Kh. showed all stages of the formation of grammatical studying skills in topic "Future Forms".

At the lesson of the Russian language and literature, the teacher Dautova R.N. introduced students with the life and work of S.A. Yesenin, and demonstrated to her colleagues the use of such active pedagogical technologies as leading learning, role-playing games, and debates.

An open biology lesson was held using innovative Lesson Studu technologies and a flipped class. Students showed good knowledge, the ability to work independently and in a team.

Educational ladder holding "ALMA"


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